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  • Colorado River Science Wiki

    The Colorado River Science Wiki is a web-based clearinghouse for scientific and technical information relevant to the Colorado River Basin and the management of its water resources and related natural resources.

    Resource Type: Organization Webpage
    Region: Southwest
  • Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System (CSDMS)
    Organization(s): NSF

    The Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System (CSDMS) deals with the Earth's surface—the ever-changing, dynamic interface between lithosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, and atmosphere.

    Resource Type: Data and Software
    Organization(s): DOE

    DOE's Coastal Observations, Mechanisms, and Predictions Across Systems and Scales-Great Lakes Modeling (COMPASS-GLM) will help dramatically enhance predictive understanding of coastal systems, including their response to short- and long-term changes.

    Resource Type: Community of Practice Portal
    Region: Great Lakes - IHTM testbed , Region: Midwest
  • DOE E3SM Github
    Organization(s): DOE

    Repositories associated with the E3SM Project.

    Resource Type: Data and Software
    Region: US National
  • Newsletter of E3SM
    Organization(s): DOE

    Newsletter of E3SM

    Resource Type: Newsletter
    Region: US National
  • DOE E3SM YouTube
    Organization(s): DOE

    DOE's Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) is a state-of-the-science Earth system model development and simulation project to investigate energy-relevant science using code optimized for DOE's advanced computers.

    Resource Type: Video
    Region: US National
  • Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM)
    Organization(s): DOE

    DOE's Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) is a state-of-the-science Earth system model development and simulation project to investigate energy-relevant science using code optimized for DOE's advanced computers

    Resource Type: Community of Practice Portal
    Region: US National
  • EESM
    Organization(s): DOE

    Earth and Environmental Systems Modeling (EESM) is a program for the Earth and Environmental Systems Sciences Division in the Office of Biological and Environmental Research within the Department of Energy's Office of Science.

    Resource Type: Organization Webpage
    Region: US National
  • EPA Water Research Page
    Organization(s): EPA

    EPA’s water research supports solutions that ensure adequate supplies of clean water resources to protect our health and livelihood, protect and restore watersheds and ecosystems, and strengthen our economy.

    Resource Type: Organization Webpage
    Region: US National
  • Future Flood Risk Data
    Organization(s): FEMA

    The Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) vision for the Future of Flood Risk Data Initiative (FFRD) marks a substantial advancement in data availability and analysis to support floodplain regulation, management, and risk communication.

    Resource Type: Organization Webpage
    Region: CONUS
  • Global Change Intersectoral Modeling System
    Organization(s): DOE

    The goal of the Global Change Intersectoral Modeling System (GCIMS) scientific focus area is improving the understanding of the complex interactions among energy, water, land, climate, socioeconomics, and other important human and natural systems at regional to global and seasonal to centennial…

    Resource Type: Community of Practice Portal
    Region: US National
  • HydroClient
    Organization(s): CUAHSI

    CUAHSI’s HydroClient data portal provides access to more than 100 data sources, including over 5 million unique time series, from federal agencies, university researchers, and volunteer science groups through a single map interface.

    Resource Type: Data and Software
  • HydroFrame
    Organization(s): NSF

    HydroFrame is a platform that facilitates easy interaction with large computationally intensive hydrologic models and massive simulated outputs. The tools enable users to subset model inputs and outputs for any watershed in the United States and to develop their own models.

    Resource Type: Data and Software
  • HydroShare Data Repository
    Organization(s): CUAHSI

    The HydroShare Data Repository enables archival and discovery of multiple types of water data, including time series data, GIS data, models and more, in a citable manner.

    Resource Type: Data and Software
  • HyperFACETS
    Organization(s): DOE

    HyperFACETS: A Framework for Improving Analysis and Modeling of Earth System and Intersectoral Dynamics at Regional Scales project aims to address the questions: How much can we trust given climate information for actionable climate science? And how can we ensure its saliency?

    Resource Type: Community of Practice Portal
    Region: US National
  • IM3 Project
    Organization(s): DOE

    The Integrated Multisector, Multiscale Modeling (IM3) project is a multi-institutional effort led by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and funded by the U.S.

    Resource Type: Community of Practice Portal
    Region: US National
  • Integrated Coastal Modeling (ICoM)
    Organization(s): DOE

    ICoM is a multi-institutional effort led by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and funded by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).

    Resource Type: Community of Practice Portal
    Region: Mid-Atlantic - IHTM testbed , Region: Northeast
  • InteRFACE
    Organization(s): DOE

    The Interdisciplinary Research for Arctic Coastal Environments (InteRFACE) project focuses on how the coupled, multiscale feedbacks among land processes (permafrost thaw, hydrology, and erosion), sea ice (morphology and coupling), ocean dynamics (stratification, waves, and tides), coastal change…

    Resource Type: Community of Practice Portal
    Region: US National
  • Living Intuitive Value‑Adding Environment
    Organization(s): DOE

    A collaborative data and computational platform for the MultiSector Dynamics Community project.

    Resource Type: Data and Software
  • MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change: Multi-Sector Dynamics
    Organization(s): DOE

    The MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change: Multi-Sector Dynamics project conducts actionable, evidence-based research to improve understanding of sustainability challenges. Research enables decision-makers to devise effective strategies to address global change.

    Resource Type: Community of Practice Portal
    Region: US National
  • MSD - logo
    Organization(s): DOE

    Updates from the MSD Community of Practice.

    Resource Type: Community of Practice Portal
    Region: US National
  • MSD - logo
    Organization(s): DOE , Organization(s): MSD

    Newsletter archive of the MSD Community.

    Resource Type: Community of Practice Portal
    Region: US National
  • MSD - logo
    Organization(s): DOE

    The MSD community aims to improve our understanding of the coevolution of human and natural systems over time, and build the next generation of tools that bridge across sectors (energy, water, land, economy) and scales (spatial, temporal) as well as offer a holistic view of systems-of-systems.…

    Resource Type: Community of Practice Portal
    Region: US National
  • DOE Multisector Dynamics Program Area
    Organization(s): DOE

    MultiSector Dynamics seeks to advance scientific understanding of the complex interactions, interdependencies, and coevolutionary pathways of human and natural systems, including interdependencies among sectors and infrastructures.

    Resource Type: Community of Practice Portal
    Region: US National